We are the only animal on this planet with a choice of how we impact the environment around us.
We choose to make a positive one.
Our vision is a world where all life on earth is thriving. A world where humans take action to make a positive impact on all places where land has been degraded.
Changing the world is possible. Everyone can make a difference.
Our mission is to obtain, restore, and protect desolate lands. We choose to provide a healthy place for as many forms of life as we can.
Anybody wanna help!?!
We are so grateful for everything!
The doing good game isn’t just for one person.
The more people doing good, the more good that can be done.
We would love to be a joy to the Earth with you!
Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, donations to help us grow, or any sort of support, we need you on our team!
We appreciate YOU.